Becoming completely organized and clutter free, in 365 days - I can hear people now "CAN SHE DO IT? WILL SHE DO IT? The countdown begins.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
"Mystery Caller Halloween Revenge" Scary Stories
READERS CAUTIONED: This story contains foul lauguage, suggestive violence and sexual situations.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
"Be On The Lookout" - Here come's Halloween
17 Days until Halloween
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"My son and his Ghoul Friends" |
As many of us prepare for the upcoming Halloween traditions, I find myself being pulling in several directions which often leads me to leave things incomplete; take my blogging for example. I am doing the best to write every day, but my weekends are not forgiving when it comes to needing my time to write. As you know, my family and I have been volunteers for our local Halloween Haunt for the past ten years. But something happened this year that none of the haunted barn and hay ride ghouls ever expect - This year we all got the green light to change our scene's 100%. So here is my question of the day - What happens when you tell about two dozen very creative extreme Halloween lovers they can change their scare tactics? You get a house that is guaranteed to completely scare all those who dare to enter through its doors. Four about six years I had always obtained the back portion of our haunted house. I would always make the Meat Locker scene and a maze that resembled walking through very dimly lit catacombs that would take you past most people’s worst nightmare - Clowns. Another year I added a huge spiders den and a huge mystery box into the maze and locker scene. I just kept adding to what I had already created, never changing the original design that I had started with. I guess you could say I was becoming very complacent in where and what my scenes would be. The best way to describe my thinking - I wished for change, but at the same time, feared it as the set up each year was easy because I knew it very well. It would usually take about four days and I would be done and then wait for opening night.
This year, our Queen of Haunt did something like non-other. Her exact words were, "I WANT THIS HAUNTED BARN AND HAUNTED HAY RIDE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THIS YEAR -MAKE IT HAPPEN!" What made me think that I was exempt from this change is beyond me. It was a phone call from a very close friend that snapped my complacency into a huge reality check. All I remember hearing was myself repeating what she had told me, but with sheer fear wrapped tightly around my words - "They moved my maze to the front of the building!?" Immediately my brain began to shake rattle and roll with crazed thoughts slamming back and forth in my head. How could I do it? I have no place to attach the walls too! I'm going to have to build it free standing!? It won't work! It won't look right! I am certain that my friend heard the panic in my voice, but she had enough on her mind and with great ease simply said to me, "You'll figure it out, I know you will."
Usually that helps calm my mind down, but not this time. I was in for a massive change and feared that I would let the Queen of the Halloween Happening down. After having three days to ponder in my head what my scene would look like, I was still unable to envision it in my mind without going there in person to take measurements and make myself begin to think outside the box I was hiding in. It was only then, and the endless help from my husband, did my inner creative self-slap the negative Nelly out of my thinking for good. Today, after two days of working diligently on my new creations, I am able to stand back and honestly feel that this may be the best creation I have thought up, that includes a whole new maze, unknown scares have been incorporated, and the best part, this will require a new tour guide costume for me. WAA WHOO!!!! You will not only be taken into the biggest Halloween thrill in Annapolis - You'll be entering the best Anne Arundel County Fair Halloween Happening event, you'll be entering;
One can only hope that the nightmare won't haunt you in your dreams.
So I know that I had said that my hopes were to have my blog written every day for the month of October and that it would be Halloween Themed. Well I guess I can say I have kept part of my promise. I may have missed both the Saturdays so far in October, but everything I have put together for you, my loyal readers and new readers that may have just discovered my writing, the main goal continues to remain – Halloween themed. I have been working very hard on two very special original writings that my editors have been very happy with thus far. My plans were to post a spooky story called “The Harvest Moon” last week, but have been asked to keep it for Halloween week to really shake things up. I love that people are writing to me about my stories all asking for me to write more. Well, I am pleased to announce I will continue to post stories I receive and that I will have another one of my original scary stories posted this week that is titled; “The Sister’s Curse”. So until tomorrow, I will let your eyes leave my page so that your mind can begin to wonder – “Is this blogger crazy or what?” I’ll answer that question tomorrow. Goodnight All – Blog ya later. Hey and if I haven't said it lately. Thanks for reading my writings. It means so much me to see all the different countries that are seeing my words. I am truly grateful.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
House Work & Halloween - Now that's a scary story!
My plan is to be able to show you what our home looks like dressed in its Halloween attire. See a strange thing happens to me when the house work is done - I get ambition to do all kinds of crafty things. So give me a few more days to get my pictures together so you can she the great progress I have made. I just can't believe that I have been de-cluttering this house, running a business, blogging my butt off and now getting ready to volunteer with my family to create a haunted house. These next three months are like riding on a rocket to the moon - Blink and it's gonna be January. Yikes! So while I have you here, take a look at today's Halloween Blog. Hope you like. Until next time - Blog ya later.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Fact or Fiction? Can you figure it out?
28 Days until Halloween
"Heavenly Slumber"
By: Stacey L. Bolin
Music to accompany this story:
She feared it would upset her mother to no end, if she talked about the passing of her mother's mother, who had been ill for a very long time, but something inside her made her pick up the phone later that day and share with her what had just happened, in spite of her mother’s wish to push talks of the dead, aside. Her mother had just gotten out of work and had been home a short while when her phone rang. The conversation revolved around, the baby, the husband, the housework, the usual, until she got to courage up to share the story about her dream. As she final reached the end of her story, her mother began to cry and responded, "I feel so much better as I always wondered - is she alright now."
So I ask you, upon reading this - what do you believe? Is this story Fact or Fiction? Join me tomorrow to get the truth about the story you have just read and try to figure out the mystery behind tomorrows spooky tale - "The Flash"
Until tomorrow - Blog you later.
On a beautiful sunny day in Laconia, New Hampshire a young housewife at the age of 22, who lived on Fair Street with her husband and infant daughter, tended to her daily responsibilities, while being consumed by this endless feeling of needing to rest. She had never been one to nap during the afternoon, as it often made her feeling nauseated and run down when she would awake, but on this day her need to rest prevailed. She had made her husband his lunch and then sent him on his way back to work. She laid the baby in her crib, outside of the usual routine of a diaper change and feeding. Her mind was fixed on her need to do nothing more than rest. She had no idea what truly lay and wait for her.
Responsive to the sounds of the world outside her bedroom window, she lay on her bed with her eyes closed taking a quiet moment to herself as she easily feel into a twilight sleep. He eyes displayed images of a town that she knew all too well. The weather was perfect as she felt her adult self, running down the side walk on Main St. in the town of Franklin, New Hampshire to a brick building called the Odd fellas Block. When she came to the double doors, a familiar face looked at her. "Grandpa?" she thought, "but he had passed away years ago. What is he doing here?" Without a word spoken, he opened the double doors and pointed in a direction that encourage her to enter the building.
She continued to run, making her way up the stairs and through the musty smelling, dark and winding corridor. She recalled the high ceilings and the halls with no windows. It was a multipurpose building back in its day. The first floor was a drugstore, which had a meeting hall upstairs, along with a billiard room for members only, a doctor’s office and four apartments - one of which was where her grandmother had lived. As she opened the door to what used to be her grandmother apartment. There she was met with another familiar face, which too had passed away, long before her grandfather, but was doing what he always had done in those years she remembered. He was looking in their refrigerator for something to eat. When he realized she was standing there, he never said a word, just simply pointed for her to continue down the hallway of the apartment.
She stopped and marveled at the two panels of curtains that hung as a door that was once her grandmother’s bedroom. Her memories had never let her forget how high these ceiling had been in the building and the curtains that had hung from them all those years. As she pushed the curtains to the side, her eyes became fixed on the room and the things within - it was her grandmother’s bedroom. As she looked around the room, all the furniture was in its proper place, with the exception of the bed. In the area where her bed once stood was cloud like image that had been filled with the lightest blue, pink, and purple colors that were soft and Serene to look at. As she continued to look at its beauty, she was met with an image of a face that she had longed to see - her grandmother who had passed away a few months earlier.
Her hair appeared so soft and the color was so beautiful. Her skin was flawless and angelic looking. There was only one word she could describe the beauty before her very eyes - heavenly. Throughout out her entire dream, nobody had ever said a word to her until that very moment when the image of her grandmother simply said, "I'm alright now." Immediately she was jolted from her dream as she lay on the bed in the same place when she first closed her eyes. She was shaken that she had heard her grandmother’s voice. Never in all of her dreams, had she ever heard any voice but her own. Instinctively she wanted to call her mother to share with her what had just happened, but knew that her mother was one that did not speak of death or of those who passed. She recalled that it took her mother ten years to talk about when her husband had passed away, but the pain was still there even after all of these years.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
It's That Spooky Time of the Year - Won't you join us??
Greetings my friends and fellow readers. Well here it is October 1, 2012 and I have about 92 days to get this house into a complete clutter free state. I can feel the squeeze and the endless pressure to get it done. With the weather cooling off, I can feel this lazy butt of mine, getting ready to move into full clean out mode, while at the same time, working with a very busy schedule. Below is a link to some of the things my family does during the Halloween season. We are volunteers for the Halloween Happening at the Anne Arundel County Fair grounds. My kids love to put their best scare on, my husband helps with the hay ride, and I am the haunted barn tour guide. I hope that if any of you are in the area - stop by for a fun filled fright night.
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