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Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Well dang it's been sometime since I have updated you on my progress in the war against clutter in the household. Lately I've been in the midst of a small battle that seems to want to play out in my kitchen. Now my kitchen is compact. Leaving a dish or two on the counter and the place looks a mess. But the pictures below is the result of not planning our time better on a busy weekend (Two days is all it took to clutter up like this). Space is extremely limited and finding a place for everything seems to be a losing battle for me. Course, do I really need three slow cookers? I'd say yes if I entertained guests on a regular basis, so right there is two cookers worth of space. Do I really need five various sized spatulas? No, but for some reason (and maybe you'll agree) each one flips a little different than the other. Then it’s the pantry that has cereal boxes that are filled with a severing no larger than for "Fat Squirrel" that got his name because he gets all the spoiled breads, moldy muffins and what’s left in the cereal boxes. With all that I feed him, I think he forgot where his nuts are - meaning the nuts from a tree. (Made ya smile, but caught your attention).
Being that the day started out grey and gloomy, my first thought was to climb back into the softness of our bed, turn on a movie or find a marathon of NCIS. Then my computer started calling out "COME PLAY BUBBLE WITCH ON FACEBOOK...YOU KNOW YOU WANT TOOOOOOOOOO." Yes, I have a new addiction. Dang that Bubble Witch! Smile. Now I have attempted to complete this blog five times, but a knock at the door, the phone rang a couple times, I had ideas for a new book that I am in the process of editing, and I can only hold my bladder so long, a blog that I had planned to have complete by nine this morning, is now already running an hour and forty-one minutes behind. So I'm cutting to the chase - Below is the before pictures of today’s cleaning project. Wish me luck - I'm going to need it as I still have to do some running around out in town. My master plans, get this clutter clean in the kitchen done, and then go out and finish my arrons. So until tomorrow - let’s hope that my waundering mind filled will all kinds of projects, stays on task today and in a few short hours I won't have to wait until tomorrow to show you my after pictures. Smile.

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