OK, so a few days ago, I posted my blog about
cleaning out our spare bedroom/office. My plan was to do this cleaning project in
four stages. However I failed to inform you, that this plan only works in my
house during the week days. If I even tried to accomplish a large cleaning
project on the weekend, my entire family knows that means I have to be in or be
put in a bad mood. What’s that old saying, oh yes I remember, "If Mama
ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." I think that is why my family opts for
the happy mom and lets me slack a bit on my progress on the weekend. Well I am proud to announce that I have
started, what I promised, working on this cleaning chaos that I thought was going to be well planned,
easy, simple, never feeling overwhelmed, want to scream, project - not, not,
not, not, not, and NOT. As you know, I am easily side tracked. Here is a
perfect example; Radio on, washing floors, Cindy Lauper "Girls Just Wanna
Have Fun" comes on the radio, mop gets put in the bucking, phone gets
picked up and two hours later, I am hanging up from a very winded conversation
on big hair bands of the 80's. Then I pick up the mop, reheat the water with new
floor clean, and attempt it again. Well unfortunately it's been one of those
weeks, but I did however, manage to get part of the project done. Many of my distraction were
edits needing to be done on my soon to be release book "Deemed Crazy",
which is a fictional story...really it is. (Smile). Then our kids needed to be
taken here and there for school. (Can't wait to share that blog. An event that was so crazy that I recorded it on my phone so I won't forget any details when I start writing it). I am also getting paper work together to file
our newest in VA Claims - I'll be bald soon as it is a hair pulling experience.
(Smile). I know, sounds like more excuses, but seriously, being a stay at home mom, means you do all the jobs and then some.
My hope was to get the room clean and get
some of the new accessories up. Before I started I went to Home Depot to
pick up some new switch plates and outlet covers, Yes a form of self-motivation
that I believed would work, and it did a little - A very little. While I was there
something bad happened, something I feared - The garden section was screaming
and begging for me to wander through. OK, I didn't fear it because I am not afraid
of plants; my fear is that I can't say to no to pretty flowers. My youngest
son warned me of my lack of will power to say no to the pretty flowers. He was so right.
We are now the owners two new plans, one of which is a hibiscus plant. (I'll get back to the
bedroom/office progress in a second; see I am side tracked already).
I also got a Boston Fern which I have the
ability to get those things to grown to ginormous sizes, so before it gets any
bigger, let me provide you with a before photo and then at the end of the summer,
I'll provide you with the after photo. All the plant items were 50%, 60%, and 70% off.
Normally to buy both of these plants would have sent me back $53.00 + 6% sales
tax (Thank you Maryland, please learn to budget better and stop taxing
everything). But I got them both for only $15.00. I so love a bargain! OK, so by now you can see, I get distracted pretty easy, unless I
am watching the movie Highlander, A Knights Tale, Hunt for Red October, Pretty
Woman, or enjoying private time with the honey...OK, OK, TMI! Enough of my ramblings. So You want to know the answer to the the burning question of the day..."Stacey did you get
your clutter crap cleaned up yet?" Yes and No.
Below is a picture of my progress on my newest clutter clean up.
I can finally open the closed door. The book shelf
is better; it's holding a few books and music binders. As you can see by the next picture, I
cleaned my desk off. I got the things off the floor. The stuff on the bed is what
was in the closet. I didn't have the kahunas to show you that monstrosity. So,
I can say, I got two parts of the four step plan complete. I am hoping that by
Monday, I will be able to present you with a room so clean you'll wonder whose
house it is. (Smile). So day by day I am
kicked my addiction. What addiction you ask? My addiction to keep things
because for some reason years ago, I honestly believed that my things were the
only way I could keep my memories. Dumb hua? I seriously thought that.
after a while, my things were now only keeping bad memories in my mind, as the
things made my house look bad, made my family feel bad, and kept our friends
away. With the house now in a rapid decluttering state, I feel like a million
dollars, but don't have any urge to shop. I also don't feel any connection to the
things like I once did. Well unless it is photographs and those types of mementos. But a magazine dated 2007, seriously needs to go. I can clean and say to myself - Do you really want
that? Do you really need that? If you keep it, where will it go? Most of the
time I don't have to ask myself all three questions as the first one is more
than enough. My garbage guys used to hate us, but I can safely say we now have a normal
trash pickup. No more mounds of garbage bags pilled in our driveway. We use
only two trash cans and that is it. I've come a long way baby. (Smile). So, again to all my loyal readers and those with your kind words of inspiration, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Who says you need therapy when I have the whole world to answer too. Thanks everyone for your support and the storage ideas are awesome. When I get enough of those, I am going to put a blog together on everyones suggestions. Well until next time - Blog you later.
I love this quote and I wanted to share it
with you. Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like
shoveling the walk before it stops snowing. ~Phyllis Diller, Phyllis Diller's
Housekeeping Hints, 1966
P.S. As you may now know, I have started in a new endeavor to raise money for Gulf War Veterans - One book at a time. I am asking that you go to the webpage on facebook entitled; "Through the Barracks Window: A Time of Waves", There is no cost to anyone, just the click of the "Like" button is all that I am asking of you and then send the information on to all of your friends and have them do the same, and so on and so on. This will help us advertise our cause without the high costs of advertising companies out there. Again many thanks for your continued support. Until next time, blog ya later.
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